Infer putative causality

This page describes script (misc/ for inferring putative causality between a pair of traits.


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The following script computes local genetic correlation at loci ascertained for GWAS hits specific to trait 1 and trait 2.

python $src/ \
    --local-rhog-est <local genetic covariance output> \
    --local-hsqg-est <local SNP-heritability output trait 1> <local SNP-heritability output trait 2> \
    --trait-names TRAIT1 TRAIT2 \
    --gwas-loci <trait 1 GWAS hits> <trait 2 GWAS hits> \
    --out <output file name e.g. trait1_trait2_causality.pdf> 

The following is an example output. In addition, a log file containing local genetic correlation estimates will be created.

trait1  local_gcor1  local_gcor1_se  trait2  local_gcor2  local_gcor2_se
TRAIT1  0.006        0.021           TRAIT2  0.07         0.02

infer putative causality